St. Pius X School

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Traffic Flow Updated Effective 8/30/17


Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures


Cell phone use is strictly prohibited during drop-off and pick-up.


Drive-Thru Procedures

  • Enter via 75th East Avenue.  
  • Drive north in the parking lot between the Activity Center and the Cafeteria.
    Proceed east on the drive that is north of the school.
    Students may exit the vehicle in areas where staff is located (north of the school). Please drop off only in the designated area. Please pull in front of the first school building and drop-off or pick-up your children.  Wait until the car in front of you has moved before proceeding.  Do not pull around parked cars into traffic.  
    Traffic flow should be continuous.  
  • Once your children have exited, or entered, the car safely, please proceed into traffic immediately so the line can continue.  
    Drive slowly, stopping at the crosswalk that leads into the neighborhood north of the school.


Parking Lot Procedures

  • Parents, who wish to park, may use the main lot.
  • You must exit your car to pick up children from the main lot.  Children will not be excused from their teacher without an adult present.
    Please utilize crosswalks in the parking lot.
    Do not leave your child unattended after you have retrieved them.
    Follow the normal traffic flow in the parking lot.  Enter the lot on the right, drive counter-clockwise from the entrance, and exit on the left.  
    Preschool students may be picked up in the east end of the activity center (closest to the pick-up area).

Before Care

  • Enter the main lot to drop off for Before Care.  
  • Students may be dropped off at the south doors of the Activity Center.
    Do not drop students any earlier than 7:30 a.m.  If you are earlier than this, please park and wait.

After Care

  • Please park in the main lot to pick up students from After Care.  
  • The lot between the Activity Center and the Cafeteria will be closed so students can play basketball in a safe environment.  

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