St. Pius X School

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Before & After Care

Before Care is available to all students from 7:30am until school doors open at 7:45am. This service is free of charge to serve parents and keeps students safe. Please bring students to the gym no earlier than 7:30am. 

After School Care is offered from 3–5:30pm to all St. Pius X students. Registration for 2025-26 will take place during Final Registration this May. 

At dismissal, After School Care students are released to the gym where roll will be taken each day. Preschool After School Care is dismissed to the Motor Skills Room.

At 4pm the students K–8th will go to the cafeteria and a small snack and drink will be given to the students. After snack, students may work on homework, play games, or play outside (weather permitting).

At 4pm, preschool students will go outside to the playground. At 5pm, preschool students will then go to the Motor Skills Room for pick up. 

After School Care will close promptly at 5:30pm each day. Late fees will be applied (please see below) for families arriving after 5:30pm. An authorized adult must sign out the student. If an adult is not listed on the paperwork, the student will not be released.

A mandatory meeting for families new to the program will be held the first week of school.

The After Care program is not available on the first or last day of school.

Contact the After Care Director, Marines Rondon Vazquez at [email protected].

Fees for 2025-2026:
Registration Fee $50 per family (non-refundable)
Daily Rate $12 per student, per day

After Care fees will be a flat rate of $12.00 per child, per day. You must choose the days you wish your child(ren) to attend and provide advanced notice to the aftercare director so adequate coverage can be arranged.

Drop in Fee: (must be approved in advance) $25.00 per child

Late Fees: 

5:31–5:45  $25.00 late pick up fee

5:46–6:00  $75.00 late pick up fee

6:01–6:15  $100.00 late pick up fee

If you wish to withdraw your child from After School Care, please notify the school office.

The After Care program is NOT available on the first or last day of school.