If arriving after 8am, please park in the parking lot and walk your student through the pedestrian gate to the front office to check them in. If you are picking up a student before dismissal, please park and use the pedestrian gate to enter campus, proceed to the front office and sign them out. See pictures below on use of pedestrian gate. If you have any questions, please call the front office at (918) 627-5367.
Uploaded Aug 15, 2024Please take a moment to view our driveline procedures. <br><br>Before Care is available to all students from 7:30-7:45am. After 7:45am, students (K-8th) will need to be dropped off in the driveline. <br><br>Preschool students will be dropped off from vehicles by the south door of the Activity Center. Teachers will be there to assist. <br><br>If you have any questions, please reach out to your child\'s teacher or call the school office (918) 627-5367.
Uploaded Aug 09, 2023Now enrolling PreK-8th. Call today to tour, (918) 627-5367!
Uploaded Nov 08, 20212020-2021 has been unique to say the least! However, St. Pius X school has been able to adapt to these unprecedented times and have only become stronger as a school, church, and a community. We have the capabilities to offer our students the option of in-person, virtual learning, or hybrid and have been successful from the first day on August 13, 2020. We invite you to take a look for yourself and see what makes us so special. We look forward to hearing from you! GO DEFENDERS!
Uploaded Feb 05, 2021Our hearts are a little broken, but we are so excited for this group of 8th graders! You are going to do amazing things and you will always be a DEFENDER!
Uploaded May 28, 2020Teaching is the greatest act of optimism. Thank you teachers for all you do.<br>We are so grateful for each and every one of you and are SO ready to see you again!
Uploaded May 09, 2020